SAA Meeting Format

SAA Meeting Format

Welcome to the Friday 5:30 meeting of Sex Addicts Anonymous. My name is_________ and I am a sex addict. Please help me open this meeting with a moment of silence followed by the Serenity Prayer.

We ask that you honor the group by turning off your cell phones or setting them on silent. This is a Twelve Step Twelve Traditions oriented fellowship, based on the model pioneered by Alcoholics Anonymous. The only qualification for membership is a desire to stop living out a pattern of sex addiction. We are supported entirely through contributions of our members.

What this meeting is NOT: It is NOT group therapy, Offers NO treatment of any kind; It is NOT a place to meet or pick up sex partners.
We share our experience, strength and hope, so that others might recover from sex addiction.
.                 – I have asked ________to read “How It Works”.
.                 – I’ve asked ________ to read the Daily Meditation.
.                 -(optional) I’ve asked _________ to read (Promises, Who We Are?, etc… / If 2nd Fri, see below)

Now we’ll go around the room and introduce ourselves. If there are any among us uncomfortable with stating that you are an addict, feel free to just state your first name. If you are a newcomer or visitor, please let us know. All are welcome here and none are judged.

As a fellowship, we have no opinion on outside issues and seek no controversy. We are not affiliated with any organizations, movements or causes, either religious or secular. We are, however, united in a common focus: dealing with our addictive sexual and emotional behavior. We find a common denominator in our obsessive, compulsive patterns which renders any differences of sexual or gender orientation irrelevant. We need to protect with special care the anonymity of all members. We also avoid drawing undue attention from the media and press.

(1st, 3rd, 5th Friday of the month – Open Discussion) (1st Friday of the month is Business Meeting)
This is an open discussion meeting. We ask for a topic pertaining to our recovery from sex addiction and open the floor for discussion.
(2nd Friday of the month – Step Study)
This is a step study meeting. We will read on a step and follow with a discussion regarding that step.
(4th Friday of the month – Speaker Meeting)
Tonight is a speaker meeting. I would like to introduce___________. (Say something brief about the speaker). There will be a discussion after the speaker finishes.

You may also use this meeting to discuss the topic from the reading, “get current” with the group, or discuss any problems you may be having with your sex addiction. When speaking, we ask that you refrain from graphic or explicit descriptions and please do not refer to specific locations where you may have been acting out your disease. If someone feels the speaker is getting to explicit, they may so signify by quietly raising their hand. (If more than 12 people) We also ask that you limit your sharing to approx 3 minutes to allow others a chance to speak and be heard.
If Open Discussion, request a topic and open the floor for discussion.
If Step Study, have each person read a paragraph of the step followed by a discussion.
If Speaker Meeting (Introduce the speaker or someone who will introduce him/her). Speaker will have 20 minutes or so, followed by a discussion.

At 6:00 or after speaker finishes: Our Seventh Tradition states that we are fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions. If this is your first meeting here, please don’t pay. This meeting is our gift to you. A suggested contribution of $2.00 is requested to cover medallions, room rent and literature to carry the message to the sex addict who still suffers. (If NOW more than 12 people) We ask that you limit your sharing to approx 3 minutes to allow others a chance to speak and be heard.
About 6:25: We’d like to offer this time to any newcomers if they would like to share. After newcomers, we’ll open it up for burning desires.

Close:    I’d like to thank:
.                 -Everyone for sharing or
.                 – (Speaker)__________for speaking

If you’re new to the program and have questions or would like to talk to someone after the meeting, we encourage you to stay. Anyone who is able and willing to meet after the meeting with our newer members, please identify yourself by raising your hand.

If you are new to the program or do not currently have a sponsor, we encourage you to ask someone to be your sponsor. A sponsor is someone who has been in the program for a while, has worked the steps themselves, and can help and guide you through the steps. Would anyone who is able and willing to be a temporary sponsor please identify yourself by raising your hand? You can also see the meeting chairperson after the meeting to add your name to the sponsor list or find a temporary sponsor.

We also encourage newcomers to get phone numbers and stay in touch with members during the week. Anyone who would be willing to exchange phone numbers after the meeting please identify yourself by raising your hand.

Chips: At this time we’ll pass out chips.

Announcements: Does anyone have any announcements for the good of SAA?

This group meets here every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. There are also Central Florida SAA meetings in Maitland, Kissimmee, Apopka and Melbourne. We have meeting lists, phone lists, Newcomer Packets and other literature available in the resource cabinet.

There is a Women’s only meeting held on Sunday. If you have questions about the time and location of the Women’s meeting, please ask one of our female members about it.

We have a Group Conscience meeting to discuss the direction of the group at 6:20 the First Friday of every month. Service work is an important part of working a good program. Your attendance and involvement will help this meeting grow.

Tradition 12
Please remember that anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our traditions, always reminding us to place principles before personalities.

(Chairperson) Please complete the following information on the Seventh Tradition envelope; your first name and last initial date, amount collected. Seal envelope and place it in the drop-box in the closet

Revised 4-7-12